Monday, October 8, 2012

Recalled Beef in Canada... AGAIN.

In recent months Canada has been struck with another Beef is evil scare and the end of the day, it just hurts our Canadian farmers.  The cost of cleaning up this mess is on the tax payers and the company that caused the contamination sits back and watches everything go on hold.  They sent their workers home with no pay.  I can't help but hear this and think the company should be obligated to pay for those workers, since the company is the ones that sent them home.

So many companies are trying to not just turn a profit but turn a large profit to allow their stock holders to gain a profit and to attract new investors.

I was recently talking to a random person in Tim Horton and asked what they thought of the recalled beef issue and their stance was they were just going to avoid beef all together until Christmas Time (Currently Thanks Giving in Canada).  This statement is made out of fear and that scares me.

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