Saturday, October 27, 2012

Prison Birth

Can you imagine a country that has a un-convicted woman waiting trial, to be imprisoned while waiting for the trial to start.  That woman finding out she is pregnant during that time and then while in having labour paints, she then start to scream for assistance (keep in mind, she hasn't been convicted of ANYTHING yet.) and the prison guard & nurse ignore her requests.

Then she actual gives a breached birth to her baby on the floor of the dirty prison cell and the moment the baby is born, it is taken away from the mother and only allowed to be finally held after almost a month has passed (missing some of that initial and very important bonding time).

What kind of third world, backwards country would allow such cruel actions?  Africa, nope! China, Nope! Brazil, Nope! Congo, Nope!

Can you believe it happened right here in Canada?  Not just Canada, but with in the Capital of Canada itself!
I don't think any dollar amount would help rebuild this tragic moment in our Canadian History.

I would say that if this lady does get convicted of her crime that she was imprisoned for, I would say her debt has been already paid, in full.  She has endured more hardship in two months then most prisoners deal with in five.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Recalled Beef in Canada... AGAIN.

In recent months Canada has been struck with another Beef is evil scare and the end of the day, it just hurts our Canadian farmers.  The cost of cleaning up this mess is on the tax payers and the company that caused the contamination sits back and watches everything go on hold.  They sent their workers home with no pay.  I can't help but hear this and think the company should be obligated to pay for those workers, since the company is the ones that sent them home.

So many companies are trying to not just turn a profit but turn a large profit to allow their stock holders to gain a profit and to attract new investors.

I was recently talking to a random person in Tim Horton and asked what they thought of the recalled beef issue and their stance was they were just going to avoid beef all together until Christmas Time (Currently Thanks Giving in Canada).  This statement is made out of fear and that scares me.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Canada, the friend to all!

Canada has been placed in some very intresting world political situations in the past, but nothing compared to what the world is getting ready for. To start, I don't have any of the links to the information I'm going to be quoting, so just go with the concept.

Currently, the world is watching Iran. The United States has been putting a bunch of new santions on them, causing there dollar to collapse, the oil unable to export, unable to import basic food items to there civillian population.. And all due to them playing a game of Hide and Develope Nucular "refinement".

So, if somthing were to happen.. here's how things would fall out.

Ireal, USA, Canada, New Zealand, UK would be on one side.

Iran, India, China, Russia would be on the other side.

Here's why.

USA would come to Isreal side and try to stop the attacks.

If USA goes, Canada goes too.. that's just the way it is.

New Zealand has already publicly stated they are supporting USA in these trade embargos.

UK has been named USA greatest ally (Thought it was Canada but I guess were more a "step brother" then an ally)

Iran has figured out a way to output oil to India, China and Russia..and all countries have been very welcoming the extra oil to them, at a much discounted price I'm sure.

India also has nucular refinment happening and even recently launched some "test" rockets.
China has a huge army that has been training for years.. waiting for somthing to happen. One day it will be used and it will be a BIG political shift when it does.
Russia wants the oil to them to continue to flow.

This is a recipy for World War III.

Let's not forget places like:

Syria, Egypt and Mexio.
Syria is going to continue down there own civil reformation.
Egypt is going under a major political overhaul.
Mexico is being run by the Mafia.

With that, Canada wants to be a friend to all... to be seen as a friend to everyone, but one day... soon perhalps we will have to truely choose. And I truely, don't like that idea at all.
Okay, so I didn't come back as soon as I wanted. But things will start happening again soon. I'm about to setup a mini studio, to help speed up the filming. Better lighting and a new green screen.

Friday, January 6, 2012

After a while away...

I've decided to come back a little later then I original attended time period. Life happened and work happen. I took down my set and packed it up and never took it out but after these coming holidays I've had time to think and I've decided to come back again, mostly as a creative outlet.

To give my self some room to move with in the screen, I got myself an even bigger green screen.

I do enjoy this and is an escape from my other duties in life. I'm going to have a goal of 1 video a week, starting in February 2012.