Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Crimea's referendum Bloc "Blue Print"

This Sunday, they are going to vote.  Let's see what Monday brings.

I know it may seem like a far stretch at first but looking at what is happening in Crimea, I can say that the party Bloc Quebecois is watching this closely.  It can give them a blue print of how to deal with international relations when it comes from separating and learn from their lessons.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Canada has left the building

I'm not taking it light that Canada has officially left Afghanistan.  On March 12th 2014, not covered in any main media news outlets, Canada has lowered its flag and has now official ended their direct support.

This war has cost Canada 158 soldiers lives and I'm proud that they were there.  Canada led a very successful campaign and most of their successes will never be understood or known.

Thank you to all the families that gave their Sons and Daughters. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Quebec Referendum

The next referendum should not be held by the province of Quebec, but rather by all the other provinces in Canada to keep Quebec in Canada or to allow them to remove themselves.  I’ve travelled the world and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Canada is the most accepting of other cultures, life style choices and doesn’t try to impose its own ideals on people.  Then there is the Bloc Quebecois party, who is going against most Canadian values of being accepting of other people’s faiths, understanding of their origins, etc.  The part sole purpose is to separate Quebec from Canada and is interested in nothing more than that.

In the 1985 Quebec referendum, Jacque Parizeau stated they lost due to the minority vote.  He was speaking about English speaking people and people who were not born in Canada. 

I’m not a cartographer but I drew out a map of what I think Quebec would look like if it did separate.  First, I can tell you that all First Nations people are going to want to keep their land with Canada.  Most of this land was known as Rupert’s Land.  Many hydro power plants are located in these areas and hence Quebec will lose them.  Second is the National Capital Area (Outaouais) which belongs to Canada, some of it is located in Ontario and some of it located in Quebec.  This area I would guess, would become part of Canada too if Quebec left.

Nuclear radiation found in Canada’s coast from Fukushima

We all knew it was going to happen but never wanted to admit it.  The perfect storm that hit Fukushima that caused the Nuclear plant meltdown, fall out has hit out coast line.  There have been bodies, boats, debris hitting the west coast for sometime but now it's to the point where it can be just "sunk" to the bottom of the Ocean.  Now it's radiation and that's not so easy to deal with.

Get your Geiger counters out west coast.. your going to need them for a while.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

USA: Home of the not so brave...

The world has watched the USA fall into a steady decline of becoming the worlds friend to all vs. the world police as it was once known as.

Does the world need a police?  A big guy to stand up for those who can't? In an ideal world.. the easy answer is No.  No one country should be the one keeping the law in check, no one country should be the police, no one country should be involved in neighbouring country internal or border disputes.

Problem is, we don't live in an ideal world.  We live in a world where individual people crave power, want control, want to kill, steal and destroy their neighbours.  So, would do I want United States and Canada to assist each other to keep world peace? Yes.

I don't see me living in a world where Russia is that police. I don't see me living in a world where China keeps the peace and Canada could never do it alone.  United States needs to pick a fight, give a country a bloody nose to remind the world that they are there and when they say, "STOP!" The country will simply stop doing what ever shenanigans they currently doing.