I've decided to take a little time off as a few things I need to do personally. I'll be starting again in June 2011.
This month has been full of amazing things, such as Obama declaring that Bin Ladin has been killed. Sure this came out when Obamas popularity vote started to slip...
And some people are demanding photos and proof he was dead and calling the burial at sea 'fishy' Honest, bin laden should not of had a burial or a Tomb or any other place that could become a worship ground for anyone.
Next was a few more earth quakes around the world... Some church in the states declaring may 21 as rapture day... I think they need to reread revelations.
Gas has come to Canada as a all time high at 1.50liter and they are calling for even higher then that.
I'll be blogging for a bit but no videos. I was really disappointed with the green screen on my last video and decided to change the screen.